The Secret to Happiness
It is a bit ironic that the secret to happiness given to me as a child in the lyrics of a song, which don't sound particularly profound until I realized how true they are.
Happiness runs in a circular motion
Love is like a little boat on the sea
Everybody is a part of everything anyway
You can be happy if you let yourself be
There you have it. "You can be happy if you let yourself be". Now you know it. Thats it. Class dismissed. Report back for the final exam on Monday. :)
Seriously though, I'll expand on this in upcoming post(s) and feel free to ask me questions in the comments, which I'll try to anwser either right away or in an additional post.
Um, James, do I have to wait another 4 months for the next post?
This was good and I do have questions.
Actually I will hold them for now and see what you have to say in your follow up posts!
You've got me on that one. I hope to be publishing a little more frequently in the upcoming months. Now that summer is over I suspect I'll have a bit more time to post.
we had the answer the whole time eh? love that rhyme
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